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Climate Change Summit: Solutions to Deliver a Net-Zero NHS

After it was discovered that the NHS is responsible for an estimated 5% of the UKs carbon footprint, it became the world’s first national health system to make net zero commitments and develop clear deliverables and milestones. Whilst the NHS is contributing to climate change, climate change is also having its own effect on the NHS. 900 people were killed by soaring temperatures in 2019 while nearly 18 million patients visited GP practices in areas that exceed the World Health Organisation’s air pollution limit. 

Coming just in time to fall in line with COP26 we hosted two webinars where we discussed the challenges and solutions to the NHS’s climate effects

For our second event of the day, we invited industry professionals to offer advice as well as talk about the new and innovative products and services available to help combat the issues raised by NHS professionals within the morning webinar.

Guest Speakers Included

October 28

Climate Change Summit: The Challenges in Delivering a Net-Zero NHS

November 23

Sustainability Awards 2021